发表于 2024/04/01 19:57:49 [rust] 浏览次数:346
chrono = { version = "0.4.35", optional = true }
chrono-tz = {version = "0.8.5", optional = true}
cron = {version = "0.12.0", optional = true}
//! @Author: DengLibin
//! @Date: Create in 2024-01-10 11:47:51
//! @Description: 定时任务
use std::{str::FromStr, time::Duration};
use chrono::Utc;
use chrono_tz::Tz;
use cron::Schedule;
use log::info;
use tokio::time::Instant;
use crate::{
common_result::{to_common_result, CommonResult},
/// @Author: DengLibin
/// @Date: Create in 2024-01-10 11:59:27
/// @Description: demo
pub fn demo() {
// sec min hour day of month month day of week year
let expression = "0 30 9,12,15 1,15 May-Aug Mon,Wed,Fri 2018/2";
let schedule = Schedule::from_str(expression).unwrap();
println!("Upcoming fire times:");
for datetime in schedule.upcoming(Utc).take(10) {
println!("-> {}", datetime);
/// @Author: DengLibin
/// @Date: Create in 2024-01-11 12:24:38
/// @param: cron_expression 定时表达式 如: 0/5 * * * * *(每5秒执行一次) ,0 19 12 * * ?(每天12点19分)
/// @Description: 调用该函数,根据定时表达式 判断下个执行时间点,时间到了该函数才返回
pub async fn next_execute_point(cron_expression: &str) -> CommonResult<()> {
// 解析 cron 表达式
let r: Result<Schedule, cron::error::Error> = Schedule::from_str(cron_expression);
let schedule = to_common_result(r)?;
let next_execution: Option<chrono::prelude::DateTime<Tz>> =
if let Some(next_time) = next_execution {
info!("下个执行点:{}", next_time);
let timestamp = next_time.timestamp_millis() as u64;
let now_stamp = date::get_sys_timestamp_millis() as u64;
let op_i = Instant::now().checked_add(Duration::from_millis(timestamp - now_stamp));
if let Some(i) = op_i {